Thursday, June 12, 2008

Straightjackets and Smiles...

I don't know what it is about my kids, but they love to be swaddled.

We tried a couple of swaddle blankets with Adam, but ended up using the Miracle Blanket the most. Adam, being a very high-strung, easily startled baby immediately loved to be swaddled.

Miles initially hated being swaddled, preferring to sleep with his arms above his head. However, after a few nights of off again, on again sleep, it was Jeff's idea to put him in the Miracle Blanket. After a few grunts and trying to fight it, Miles settled down and fell into sweet sleep. Relief for all of us!

At 3 months old, Miles has recently started sleeping through the night (usually 10pm - 6am). After our last nursing session of the day, I tiptoe him into his bedroom, lay him down in his crib and start the swaddling process. Lately, however, he's been wide awake during the wrapping and just looks up at me with a huge gummy grin, sometimes cooing as if to say "I'm alright now mommy - I've got a full belly, i'm happy, and I may just let you sleep tonight."

It really doesn't get any sweeter than that smile, that I know for sure!


Kristin said...

let's see some pics of that sweet little smile!!!

jvandy said...

that was a touching account...i could feel your mother's heart.