Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Boys will be boys...

A few months ago Jeff was flipping channels and stopped on some shoot-em-up movie. No sooner than I requested Jeff change it because little ears were in the room did Adam start mimicking "guns." Innocence lost, but it was only a matter of time I guess.

Fast forward to last night. Adam was taking a bath in Grandma's tub which was filled with toys. Toys that included squirt guns.

This morning, Miles found the squirt guns minutes after he woke up. He promptly lifted the squirt guns in the air and made a "assssshew, assssshew!" noise. Jeff and I were cracking up! (Disclaimer: I realize that guns and violence are definitely not funny, but my 18 month old pretending to "shoot" with a squirt gun is.) And, true to his performing nature, the more we tried to control our chuckles, the louder and more vigorous his "asshew! asssshew!" noises got. That kid loves an audience, that much is true.

It just goes to remind me that my boys are sponges: constantly soaking up what people around them say or do.

assshew! assshew!


Maria Johns said...

Katie!! this is so super funny! Im actually beginning to think those noise come innate in boys?! Praying and thinking of you guys while you are in transition, oh how I know the feeling! Hope you find something soon , let me know how it all goes love ya

KS said...

Haha - there's that "sponges" word again...so true! And I agree - I think that type of play activity is SUCH an innate boy thing....not like you've been holding nightly practice at the shooting range!

Kristin said...

aww I love little Miles...too cute :)