Wednesday, July 15, 2009


I tell you what. Some days I put Adam to bed and am just thankful for silence. Bless his heart, he literally wakes up in the morning talking a mile a minute and does not quit until he goes to bed. A zillion questions are asked, and a zillion answers are given (although some answers are more questionable than others, if you know what I mean). It's amazing how his little brain works - he's got questions about everything these days. Why, why, why.

And, not to be outshone by his older brother, Miles has his first official word: Ball. "Ba! Ba!" So cute the way he purses his lips together to make the "Ba" sound. Love it.

Note that I say first "official" word. For several weeks now he's been making a "motor" sound for anything on wheels. Any time a car travels down our street, he's quick to point and "bbbbb bbbbb," sounding like a (baby) motor. I'll give you one guess who he learned this sound from...ha.

Usually, Miles does a good job communicating by pointing and grunting/whining/shrieking. It's amazing how much I understand what he's after!

For now, I'm off to enjoy the silence of the evening. Tomorrow will be here before I know it, and the three of us will be off and running, ready for new adventures. First up: Adam get's his cast off!

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