Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Missing Adam...

This week, Adam is on vacation with his Grandma and Grandpa Gray. It was an impromptu invite - they were going on a State Farm trip that turned out to be geared towards families with younger kids, and thought it would be fun if Adam could join them. he went for 3 nights and 4 days, down to French Lick, Indiana (I can hardly type that name out without laughing...ha!). They arrived down there safely, but he couldn't be bothered to talk on the phone because he was preoccupied, telling me: "We were just walking out the you!" I'm glad he's having fun, and not homesick!

It is so strange to not have him here. No chitter-chatter throughout the day. No early morning cuddles in bed. No second set of straps to buckle in the car. Only one bath in the evening. You get the picture.

On the other hand, it's refreshing to be able to focus solely on Miles. Perhaps coincidentally, his clinginess has subsided since Adam has been gone. Even though he's not speaking any "words" yet, he sure has a lot to say. Lots of pointing and grunting, and surprisingly, it's pretty easy to understand. The other day I was putting away groceries and he kept bringing me the bag of Goldfish crackers. Ok, ok...I got your number. Have a cracker or two. Or ten.

Another thing I've noticed, even more so in the days that Adam has been gone, is that he has a great sense of humor. He loves to hold my attention with his goofy faces. He encourages me to chase him, which is pretty funny, considering he can only crawl "so" fast. But he howls with laughter when I finally "catch" him.

So...Adam will be back on Friday, hopefully full of stories of his time away, yet happy to be back at home. I hope he misses us a little bit...:)

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