Saturday, May 16, 2009

Poor sick bubba.

I should be thankful that between my two kids, we've only made TWO sick-child visits to the pediatrician's office. Today was Miles' turn. After a really rough night last night of him only wanting to sleep sitting upright in my lap, I figured his cold (which he will have had for 2 weeks tomorrow) had progressed into something more. He was so brave at the doctor's office...all smiles until his ears were examined. And sure enough - a diagnosis of a double ear infection and a sinus infection to boot.

Miles, who is normally cuddly anyways, has been even more so in the last 24 hours. While holding his feverish body last night, it made me happy to know that I was able to soothe him. Listening to the sound of his raspy breathing, I pondered at how small he seemed, thinking: "in a few short years, you'll be too big to do this." At the same time, I marveled at how big he has gotten, with his long legs dangling over the side of the rocking chair. Holding him close in the wee hours of the morning I was not missing sleep (although it would have been nice, believe me!), but lovingly reveling in the fact that in my lap, my baby was calm. Sleeping. At peace.

God has given (most) women the gift of being able to spring into action when needed. To comfort. To put together. To reach out. What a blessing! My prayer is that I continue to mature in this role as my children grow older, to be able to provide calm to them no matter what the situation.


KS said...

Such a sweet take on what had to be a rough situation for both of you! I hope he's feeling better :)

jvandy said...

What a wonderful attribute to aspire to. Comfort is a hard to come by commodity. I love you Kates! Moms