Sunday, April 19, 2009

Catching up...

It's been a few weeks since I've blogged...sorry!

The weather was beautiful here this past Friday, so I decided to take advantage of the sunshine and bring the boys to the FM Gardens for a few hours. I thought everyone was having a great time - too good of a time, as it turns out. Despite my 10-minute and 5-minute warnings, Adam had a complete meltdown when it was time to go. Screaming. Oh, that kid can scream! Luckily, as I was pushing the stroller with one hand, and dragging Adam with the other, my eyes met with those of sympathetic mothers as we were exiting the premises. Their kind glances in my direction reminded me that this is (semi) normal - and I'm not parenting some type of monster. "I am SO MAD AT YOU!!!!" could be heard loud and clear by all, and it was at that point that I was asking myself "why do I bother?" Perhaps we should have just stayed home. The boys would have stayed cleaner (they were greasy from sunscreen and sandy from the sandbox) and drier (Adam was soaked from playing with the water/boats).

But we as mothers *do* bother, don't we? God bless Mothers. No doubt we'll be back again soon, hoping that "the talk" we had afterwords sank in, and that the exit will be quieter next time. Or else. ;)

Adam has also been bombarding me with "Watch this, Mommy!" commands throughout the day. Unfortunately for me, just saying "ok, I'm watching" is not enough. I tried. I have to be watching him motoring his monster truck for a "sweet jump" over and over and over. Silly kid.

Miles! His fifth tooth just popped through and he's working on mastering the art of standing on his own. I am hoping that walking is in his future sooner rather than later, because I really can't see a summer of his little knees crawling on the ground outside. Yeouch! He loves his big brother, and the two of them are constantly cracking eachother up.

We got a kick out of him last night at dinner. I had given him pears on his tray - something he usually loves to eat. When he started chucking them on the ground, I simply removed his tray. Of course, then he started whining, I assumed he wanted more pears. Now, I've been down this road before and know not to give him his tray back (the whole "fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me" thing). So, I put a piece of pear in his mouth. You know what that little stinker did? He took that pear out of his mouth and thew it across the room, giggling the whole time. Ha! He's a smart one, that Miles.

Well, that seems to sum up the week over here. It's Sunday. Jeff is at work, the boys are napping, and I've finished 4 loads of laundry. Time to head for the couch and try to finish the book I've started...

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