Wednesday, December 10, 2008

December already?

I cannot believe we're almost halfway into December. Time is just flying!

Miles will be 9 months old tomorrow. How can this be? He's not crawling yet, but he's getting up on his knees for longer and longer periods. He's making cute sounds such as "ba ba ba ba" and "ya ya ya ya." He just started putting puffs into his mouth this week. And finally, he's also working on getting his top two teeth in, which i'm sure is no fun for him at all! I'm excited to take him to his well-baby visit tomorrow to see just how big he's gotten. :)

Adam is getting excited for Christmas. Ask him what he wants for Christmas, and he replies "a big monster truck!" Now, he's been asking for this monster truck since his birthday. I keep hoping he'll forget about this toy, but alas, he continues to wish for it.

Now, about this truck. Those of you who know me, know that I don't do well with chaos/loud noises/etc. This monster truck is insanely loud, blasting obnoxious phrases and an awful tune. Basically, my worst nightmare.

Jeff and I were out shopping for Christmas presents last week when I spotted the aforementioned toy. I showed it to Jeff who sheepishly pushed one of the buttons (I'm sure he was thinking, "how loud can this thing be?"). We quickly looked to see who else was nearby and no doubt annoyed by the sheer volume of sound erupting from this beast of a toy, and just started laughing. Obnoxious? Yes. Soon to be irritating? Absolutely. Will it put the biggest smile on our kid's face on Christmas morning? You're darned tootin.'

Against our better judgement, we walked out of the store with the Rippin Monster Jams truck in our shopping bag.

I'm sure the novelty of this truck will wear off eventually. Until then, you can bet i'll be dying a bit on the inside every time I hear "Ready to Riiiip?" followed by the obnoxious guitar riff.
But hey. You're only three once.

1 comment:

Stacy DeRuiter said...

Hah! My nephews got those exact trucks last year! Don't worry, it will not take THAT long to run out of batteries...