Thursday, December 18, 2008

9 Months Stats...

Miles' 9 month well-baby check up last week went great. He's 30 inches long (95%) and 18lbs (15%). Long and lean! He was all smiles for the doctor, and would you believe he didn't even cry when he got his shot (just one this time!)? I was pleasantly surprised.

His top left tooth is now in, and so i'm certain the other one is not too far behind. Just when I think he's sleeping through the night permanently, he fools me. He slept 3 nights in a row, but then last night I was up with him for an hour - something wasn't just quite right with him, I guess. I finally crawled back in bed at 12:30am.

Regardless, he's my little lovie. He loves scrunching up his nose, thus making a silly face. He thinks he's pretty funny when he does this! He's discovered the exciting world of finger food - Cheerios are a hit! So far, he's not interested in cottage cheese or cheese in general. Can you believe that?

I cannot believe Christmas is next week...Adam is very excited! He saw Santa last Saturday and mustered up the courage to ask him for a "big monster truck." Of course!!!

Praying for a very Merry Christmas...

1 comment:

KS said...

Merry Christmas to you and your family!! I can't wait to hear how Adam likes his Monster Truck :) Hopefully you picked up some earplugs while you were out and about!