Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Mild Miles...

My Mom prompted me to write this entry, saying that I need to "write this down." And since I always listen to my Mom, here I am...

Miles has such a sweet temperment. He loves to be held and cuddled. Lately, his favorite spot to hang out is on a lap, facing outward so he can just take everything in. Calm and quiet observation, completely and totally relaxed. He also loves to be held up on your shoulder, with his head nuzzled into your neck. He'll easily fall asleep this way if you stand up and sway long enough to let him. Along the same lines, he loves to be carried in one of my three carriers. It makes errand-running so much easier to have him strapped to me. He loves to hang out in there and most often ends up falling asleep, being lulled by my movements.

I love his sweet little temperment and can't wait to see how it changes as he grows...

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