Thursday, November 19, 2009

What a miracle!

This year, Adam and I have been attending Bible Study Fellowship ( He attends the fantastic children's program while I attend the lecture/discussion part for adult women.

This year we're studying the book of John, and two weeks ago we were discussing the miracle in which Jesus fed the 5,000. On the way home from BSF that day, I was asking Adam questions in hopes that he would tell me what he learned in his class. Several questions later, he told me that Jesus fed a lot of people bread and fish. I continued with my questioning:

Me: Where do you think he got the bread and fish to feed that many people?
Adam: Well, he just went up to the gas station to get some.

The gas station. Naturally.

1 comment:

Rachel Hammond said...

How funny! Isn't it crazy the difference between what they hear and what they figure out about Bible stories? I have heard so many jumbled up references from the kiddos...:)