Tuesday, November 17, 2009


My son can't be the only 4 year old who rolls his eyes, right? Where does he get this?

This morning, Adam was finishing his Time Out and I was debriefing him on what got him there in the first place (in this case, he hit Miles). After he rolled his eyes at me, the conversation went something like this:

Me: Why do you roll your eyes like that?
Adam: I don't know, Mom (eye roll again - of course).
Me: You shouldn't do that...what if your eyeballs get stuck in the up position in your head?
Adam: Oh, they won't. I'm always careful.

My mother in law, listening to this conversation from the next room busted out laughing at this one. Careful. Suuuure.


KS said...

Bah ha ha! This made me burst out laughing while I was on a conference call :)

Kristin said...

He's such a nut! And, if I remember correctly- you were the QUEEN of eye rolling in our younger years ;) Apple doesn't fall far from the tree!

Rachel Hammond said...

too funny...four year olds are too smart for their britches sometimes :) (On an unrelated note, where did you get your background...so cute!)