It's Easter time. Looking back on my childhood, I remember my Grandma Vander Laan had a tree outside of her kitchen window that she would decorate every Easter. Tiny plastic Easter eggs would adorn it's branches. Sometimes there would be plastic-blow up eggs and bunnies to complete the scene. And of course, each Easter morning, there would be an Easter basket awaiting us each Easter morning. Jelly beans. Cadbury Eggs. Peeps. Easter grass. This Easter basket tradition continued until I was in college!
This week, I had a hankering for something Easter-y to adorn my front door. I couldn't find exactly what I was looking for in the stores, so I did a quick Google search and found an idea to make one of my own. A trip to Hobby Lobby and $10 later, I was all set to make my own Easter wreath. I love it. It reminds me of my childhood and my Grandma, and it makes me smile just looking at it.
As a Mom, I wonder what traditions my kids will remember as adults. 30 years from now, what will they be thinking of when Easter rolls around? Christmas? Birthdays? I hope that even in the littlest of things I can make happy memories for them so that when they're older something will trigger their own "plastic Easter egg" memory and they'll smile, too.