Sunday, March 11, 2012


Now that he is 4, I am hoping that his bedtime ritual changes for the better. As it is now (and has been the last 6 months or so), the evening goes like this.

Read story, pray, tuck the boys in. Specifically remind Miles that staying in bed is required.

10 seconds later
, from behind the closed gate in his doorway...

Miles: When you go to bed will you tuck me in three times?
Me: Yes, Miles. Get back in bed.
Miles: Will you tuck me in three times if I stay in bed?
Me: Yes! Back in bed!
Miles: You will?
Me: Yes!
Miles: You promise me?
Me: YES!


Miles: Yes?
Me: Yes.

Note: A head nod or non-response is not an option here. He will not quit until "yes!" is uttered from me a zillion times. I don't get it.

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