Thursday, September 1, 2011

Oh, Tooth Fairy...

Adam lost his first tooth this week!

When I had predicted earlier in the day that it would fall out in a few days, I had no idea it would be at dinner, thanks to a crusty roll. Toothless was not as thrilled as one might expect him to be, what with that scraggly tooth gone from his mouth forever. Rather, he refused to look in the mirror, and sat at the table in tears over the whole incident. What can I say? My boy doesn't like change. Seeing his big brother both upset over the incident and annoyed at repeated requests to "show me your teef, Yo-Yo!" Miles quickly reassured him, saying: "don't worry, Yo-Yo. We will go to the doctor and he will put a new one in your mouth." Simple as that!

Discussions about the Tooth Fairy cheered him up slightly, although I had to tell him that she did not bring Wii games. As it was, Jeff and I scrounged up $3 to leave under his pillow, along with a note. And of course, the next morning he was all smiles. Toothless smiles, that is.

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