Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Word of the day? "Nooooo!"

Just a few thoughts before I close the day:

Miles has learned how to speak and exercise the use of the word "No." What's hilarious about it, is that he makes this really dramatic face and and tosses in a bit of a whine for extra flair.

"Miles, let's get your PJ's on."

"Miles, do you want to eat breakfast?"

"Miles do do you want a cookie?"
"Num nums! Num nums!"

Ok, so it's not all "no" around here...

He's also learned how to say "Mumma." Boy has he ever. Perhaps it's because he feels lost in the shuffle at times, but when he wants my attention, it's: "Mumma. Mumma. Mummamummamumma!" So cute....sort of.

And finally...thanks to his big brother, he hears the word "toot" a lot. "I tooted, Mom!" "Adam, did you toot again?" are just a few phrases that get tossed around her on a near-daily basis. What can I say? My kid is gassy. That being said, it's not surprising that Miles is familiar with this word. Last night at dinner, my darling baby actually leaned over in his booster seat, farted, smiled, and said "toooot." Of course, Adam thought this was hilarious, so it only spurred him on. To do it again. Lordamercy. What am I in for with these two? Do girls do this, too?


Kristin said...

LOL...nice Miles.

Cheryl said...

Tooo funny! Already learning to fart at will. Love it! Wanna know what word got repeated at our house yesterday (thanks to two slips by me earlier in the day)? Megan: "Where are my baby and blanket?? Oh, sh**!"

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