Sunday, January 11, 2009


"Mommy, you're the best and you're pretty."

Seriously? Melt my heart, yo.

Lately I've been a bit down because I haven't left the house in days due to what seems to be a perpetual cycle of eating/cleaning up/naps. I've been wishing that this house was bigger (or at least had a secret area where I could go to and get some peace and quiet - other than the bathroom, that is!), and more often than not, I'm still in my pajama pants at dinnertime. Not to mention it's the dead of winter and colder than cold outside.

But then Adam pulls out this gem. Not sure where he got it from, but I'll take it. Cutie patootie.

1 comment:

KS said...

He melted MY heart and it wasn't even about me! What a sweetie :)